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    Thank you for this thoughtful article. Like yourself, I followed the Sacco incident with a sense of mounting horror. It hardly needs to be said that her tweet was stupid, callous, and awful. Yet … far worse things are tweeted every day (see Yes, You’re Racist) and in most instances those responsible do not become the objects of global hate fests. Why was Sacco different? Some say because of her job but I can’t help thinking that being young, blonde, passably attractive and female played a big role. In the end, the scale and intensity of the outrage seemed less about her offence and more about what she was held to represent. It was also disturbing to see phrases like ‘most hated person in the world’ thrown at her, just because of a tweet. Have we really lost so much perspective that we think someone who posts a few offensive tweets is more worthy of our hatred than mass killers like Assad or the militias bloody ripping apart the CAR, Sudan, Nigeria, or repressive leaders like Putin? Perhaps the targeting of Sacco is indeed an expression of our impotence in the face of much more serious atrocities but we’ll never get rid of the real sharks out there if we expend our energies and outrage shooting fish in a barrel like Sacco.

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